Past Premiers

YPM is proud of our past Premiers. As young people, they led our organization; as adults, they have helped lead their communities, their province and their country. Among our past Premiers are community leaders, authors, teachers, Ivy League graduates, Rhodes Scholars, and a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize.

19221E.A. Armstrong
19232Erie L. Jackson
19243Frank Fidler
19254Darwin Chase
19265John Gilmer
19276John Gilmer
19287John Dunderdale
19298William Moore Benidickson
19309Vivian M. Rogers
193110Mervyn Sprung
193211Donald Ross
193312George S. Thurton
193413Joseph Benson
193514James M. Taylor
193615J. S. McArdle
193716Donald L. Mackay
193817Wilson Milne
193918Raymond Threson
194019Frederick Tallman
194120Aitken Harvey
194221Frederick Bickell
194322Maurice Helston
194423Lynn Watt
194524Thomas Goulding
194625Garth Campbell
194726Robert H. Johnson